Tips for a Healthy GUT

We know that gut and bowel function has a huge influence on the health of you and your family. Here are some more tips on how you can improve your digestion and boost your vitality:

Eat a fibre-rich, whole-food diet and don't forget to meet your energy needs (for your age, height and activity level). Include a variety of complex carbohydrates, fruits and vegetables and fermented foods like sauerkraut, kimchi, and kefir yoghurt, all of which provide a nourishing environment for healthy bacteria to thrive. Variety and the source of ingredients are key, as our gut immunity requires a gentle nudge to be resilient and robust.

Limit processed foods and junk food. A junk-food-type environment in the gut provides fuel and fodder for unhealthy bugs and microbes to thrive. Too many unhealthy bacteria in the colon may lead to inflammation and excess bloating.

Where possible, avoid the unnecessary use of antibiotics and anti-inflammatories. Although sometimes necessary, prolonged use of antibiotics and anti-inflammatories can disrupt the balance of our healthy gut flora by destroying the integrity of our complex biome. Following the use of these *medications with SWEEP and a good quality probiotic or prebiotic is a great way to restore optimal gut function and support a speedy recovery. 

Eat foods rich in living bacteria improves the quality and resilience of your whole gut health. Science has proven that a happy and healthy gut microbiome improves your digestive capacity and reduces the risk of inflammation, allergies, and chronic illness. Don't make for a lazy gut! Make sure your whole-food diet nourishes your energy requirements and healthy bacteria.

Healthy bowel habits are just as important. Here are some tips:

Take a lil' longer on the loo. We're always rushing and can struggle to sit patiently for 10 minutes to offload our own waste product. The conversation between the brain and bowel is delicate and requires some space and time. Relax and let your body communicate its needs. There's a unique language between your colon and brain so sit, stay, and wait to stimulate effective motility. Most people are surprised to find that another 5 minutes (not straining) will deliver some great results.

Sip, don't scull. Drink water throughout the day, not in one sitting. Increase your water intake during warmer weather and exercise, and drink up to 2.5L per day. Drinking too little or too much water can be detrimental to your health - be sensible!

*We recommend seeking professional guidance before altering ANY medication.